When a neighbour of ours was having a clean out of his old woolshed and put the word out he was selling some tables my ears pricked up. I’ve been after a table to replace our rickety old kitchen table for years, but I wanted a large ( 8-10 seater) old, rustic, type. Well this old girl ticked all the boxes,

Had to sand years or grit and grime off the old girl

I mixed equal parts of linseed oil and mineral turps and applied 3 coats letting each one dry between coats

So happy with all my hard work, and now this beautiful table will be part now of “our” family for generations to come.
Had to sand years or grit and grime off the old girl
I mixed equal parts of linseed oil and mineral turps and applied 3 coats letting each one dry between coats
After the linseed I rubbed beeswax into the table as well to nourish the dry wood.
So happy with all my hard work, and now this beautiful table will be part now of “our” family for generations to come.
Maz xx
The "new" table looks is fabulous - well worth the hard work :)